Gross Regional Domestic Product of Lumajang Regency by Industry Origin 2016-2020 - BPS-Statistics Indonesia Lumajang Regency

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Gross Regional Domestic Product of Lumajang Regency by Industry Origin 2016-2020

Catalog Number : 9302021.3508
Publication Number : 35080.2103
Publishing Frequency : Annually
Release Date : April 5, 2021
Language : Indonesian
File Size : 7.74 MB


The publication of the Gross Regional Domestic Product (PDRB) of Lumajang Regency according to the 2016-2020 Business Field is a tool of economic data used to evaluate the economic development performance of Lumajang Regency. This publication contains an overview of the economic development of Lumajang Regency by Business Field which is presented in descriptive analysis, figures and tables. The presentation is based on current prices and at constant 2010 prices in the form of nominal values ​​and in percentages for distribution and growth. This publication was prepared by the Regional Accounts and Statistical Analysis Section, BPS Lumajang Regency.
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